There are different types of rhinitis, the most common is the acute rhinitis, which usually occurs as part of a common cold. Other types are the so-called running nose (rhinitis vasomotorica), which manifests as a constantly running nose, or allergic rhinitis, which is associated with strong itching and severe sneezing fits.
Acute rhinitis is predominantly reflected by a blocked nose that feels sore and dry. This leads to a reduced sense of taste and smell and is particularly unpleasant at night when deep breathing is difficult and stops you sleeping.
Triggers for acute rhinitis are cold viruses that attack the nasal mucous membrane. There are various types of cold viruses; the so-called rhinovirus is the main virus responsible for rhinitis.
Viruses are usually transmitted by droplet infection, for example, when talking, coughing or sneezing. It is also possible to be infected via certain surfaces (e.g. door handles, grab handles on the tube, remote controls), as the pathogens remain highly infectious on smooth surfaces for a longer period of time. Cold viruses can therefore find their way to our nose by various routes.
The nose performs a variety of functions - it cleans the air we breathe in, moistens or warms it, and enables us to smell. The nasal cavity is lined with the nasal mucosa, which performs an important immune function and, when fully intact, keeps germs in our airways at bay.
Particularly during the colder months, the nasal mucosa can perform its defence function only to a limited degree when it is dried out due to heating and low temperatures and has a reduced blood supply. Then viruses can easily penetrate the nasal mucosa and multiply here. In an attempt to remove the pathogens, the body reacts by boosting the blood supply to the nasal mucosa and producing more mucus. The nasal mucosa is irritated and swollen, and the nose feels blocked, sore and dry.
Here nasic® with the special active substance combination of xylometazoline and dexpanthenol is a suitable solution - not only does nasic® rapidly free a blocked nose, it also accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa. Rhinitis is therefore soon forgotten and the nasal mucosa is able to resume its function as a natural protective barrier more quickly.
Studies prove that nasic® shortens the duration of rhinitis compared to products with xylometazoline only. nasic® relieves you of rhinitis symptoms more quickly which means you can stop using nasic® sooner. The reduced period of use of nasic® has two benefits: firstly, the risk of developing a nasal spray dependency is reduced, secondly, it lowers the likelihood of sinusitis, which can result from a persistent rhinitis.
If you are suffering from acute rhinitis, products from a pharmacy, such as nasic®, offer rapid and effective relief because nasic® rapidly frees a blocked nose and accelerates the healing of the irritated nasal mucosa. Various household remedies can be used additionally to help recovery and to get rid of your snuffly nose quickly. However, if you start suffering from a fever, severe headache or facial pain in addition to rhinitis, or if your rhinitis does not ease within a week despite treatment, please consult your doctor.